Greek myths deal with classic difficulties faced by men and women across the centuries, such as love, death, and betrayal. She had one beautiful daughter called Persephone who loved to play with her friends on the slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily. He looked up to search for Hero's guiding light, but the storm had blown it out. Psyche became very worried and decided that she must find out who Eros was. Psyche was wretchedly unhappy at the loss of Eros and tried to kill herself, but the gods would not allow this. Instead they compelled her to work as one of Aphrodite's servants. Daedalus was the famous inventor who was said to have built the labyrinth in which the Minotaur lived. However, although Daedalus had worked hard for King Minos of Crete, the king refused to let him and his son Icarus leaves the island. Alcestis was the wife of King Admetus.