This chapter presents a letter to Xiao Zisheng by his younger schoolmate Mao Zedong in February 29, 1916. He received a notice that Xiao Zisheng want to give him some books. In this letter, he also asks Xiao Zisheng not to give him anything. Mao Zedong stands out as one of the dominant figures of the twentieth century. Gu Yanwu and Wang Fuzhi also helped to make Zhuangzi Mao's favorite Daoist philosopher, whom he continued to cite frequently to the end of his life. Twelve of the twenty surviving texts from the years 1915 and 1916 are letters to Xiao Zisheng, also known as Xiao Xudong and Xiao Yu, who was one of Mao's two most intimate friends during his years at First Normal School. Xiao Zisheng then returned to Changsha to take up a position as principal of the primary school attached to First Normal School.