The previous chapter ended with a generic model of information systems security that emphasized that security is about people, processes, and technology, and that, in a nutshell, is what managing information strategically is also all about. It is a high-level management philosophy and set of policies and practices that recognizes that information is a valuable resource for any public agency and that it should be managed just as effectively as financial, human, and material resources. This harkens back to chapter 1 where it was noted that NASPAA, the accrediting body for master's programs in public policy and administration, has recently incorporated the management of information into its "Common Curriculum Components" for graduate education in the field of public administration, joining the traditional components of human and financial management. It also resonates with the title ofthis book, Managing Information in the Public Sector, meaning that managing information is much more than just managing data, hardware, software, networks, and related technologies.