These days in Japan, there is a new fad which is perhaps indicative of how relations between men and women are radically changing. At the trendy Juliana's nightclub in Tokyo--which boasts more than 50,000 patrons a month-------dozens of scantily dressed Japanese women jump on stage and bump and grind to the latest hot dance music. Most of these young women are "Office Ladies" (OLs), the female clerical labor force. After work, they (literally) shed their company uniforms or office attire for the skimpy, tight-fitting skirts or leather bras of the bar scene. However, these "Juliana girls," as they are sometimes called, are not there to be picked up. Though no scientific survey has yet been conducted on this timely topic, it appears that nine times out of ten they go home alone. What the Juliana girls are there for is to be looked at and admired-but not to be touched. They tease the starry-eyed men looking at them on the dance floor or up on the stage, and they savor their sexual power. In the office, or at home, there is usually some male who has control over them in some fashion or other. Here, the meek and subservient OL blossoms, relishing her superiority and control-albeit temporary--over the admiring (and frustrated) men. Her taunts, in a sense, are her revenge.