In 1978, Van Arsdale was 73 years old, a time of life when many men happily spend retirement years in easy harmony. Their only hats might be those of golfers, gardeners, or fishermen. But Van Arsdale continued to own a swirling console of hats, one of which was that of IBEW treasurer. It was largely an honorary post requiring that Van Arsdale deliver a financial report, prepared by IBEW auditors, at each convention. Although it was not planned that way, a tradition was being established to fill the post with Local 3 officers. Prior to Harry Van Arsdale Jr., it had been held by Local 3 officers William A. Hogan and Jeremiah P. Sullivan. As an International officer, Van Arsdale attended regional progress meetings where he spoke about the benefit of annuity plans and other educational benefits. One of the major accomplishments of IBEW President Charles Pillard and Secretary Ralph Leigon, while Van Arsdale was treasurer, was the establishment of reciprocity procedures. Resulting from a diligent coordination effort among locals by Wesley Taylor, IBEW members who worked in various jurisdictions could have pension contributions sent back to accrue, and to earn pension credits in their home Local. Prior to that, pension benefits accrued only in individual jurisdictions and were lost if that string were broken.