Sustainable sources of energy for electricity generation are hydro, wind, solar, geothermal, river and tidal currents and ocean waves. River and tidal currents and ocean waves will be marginal contributors under any foreseeable scenario. Recent developments in electric hybrids and pure electric automobiles seem to indicate that they will be the most likely replacement for gasoline-fueled automobiles. More technological progress has to be made in reducing the cost and increasing the capacity of batteries for the electric car to become something more than a curiosity. If fossil fuels are wasting assets, so are the companies in the fossil-fuel business. But this does not endanger energy companies, as it will take decades to make the transformation. Every existing fossil-fuel plant, every plant in construction, and every plant on the drawing board will have a full life of operation supplying needed electricity before they are exposed to a meaningful decline in the availability or demand for fossil fuels.