Packard, Vance social critic, whose books The Hidden Persuaders (1957) and The Waste Makers (1960) brought to light the persuasive techniques used by advertisers to increase the use of products

packet unit of data sent over the Internet

Packet Internet Groper [abbreviated as PING] message that tests the connection between computers

Page, Larry (1973-) American cofounder of GOOGLE, along with Russian-born American SERGEY BRIN

page impression measure indicating how many times a Web page has been displayed to a visitor of a Web site

page reader device that converts written text to a form that a computer can process

page requests [also called page views] measure of the number of times a Web page has been visited daily, thus providing an indication of its popularity

pager small, portable electronic device that can receive and send messages through various wireless networks

pagination sequence of numbers given to pages in a document (such as a book)

painting 1. picture drawn or made using paint (or some other substance) on a two-dimensional surface; 2. art of creating pictures or drawings. Painting dates back to prehistoric images found on the walls of caves, such as those at Lascaux in France. Early societies controlled the subject matter of painting and determined its function (ritualistic, devotional, decorative). Painters were considered artisans rather than artists; eventually, in East Asia and Renaissance Europe, the “painter-asartist” emerged as a distinct individual. In the early twentieth century painters began to experiment with

art in which formal qualities such as line, color, and form were explored rather than subject matter. In the late part of the century some critics forecast the “death of painting” in the face of new media such as video and computer art, yet artists continue to paint and fill the galleries with new works. Many of these use words and images, combining them in surprising ways, forcing the viewer to search for possible meanings and connections among the painting’s visual elements.