The sound waves from the cries of 'women's liberation' are almost enough to break the eardrums. Liberation means demanding equal treatment with men, and so obviously genuine liberation means thoroughly fulfilling obligations the same as men. At present, not many occupations have been opened up to us women; with the exception of a handful of jobs women are forced to take to avoid cold and hunger in textile mills, sock factories, silk mills, and so forth. In the autumn of 1922 we purchased an old-style house, added windows along the ceiling for ventilation, and had wooden flooring installed throughout the silkworm rooms so that the floor would be elevated and dry. Decontamination is what one have neglected most she told them a great number of things, which they were able to understand. While it is impossible to make them apply scientific methods in silkworm raising, we hope to enable them to see the benefits of improving silkworms.