According to Courant (6716-II) there is a 1738 edition of this book published at the Hsilan-wu Gate '§'itF5 (Nan-t'ang, Peking); cf. 6716-111 and 6718-11. Again, in no. 6717, there is an edition of this book published in 1704 by the Ch'in-i t'ang (~-1it) in Ying ~~ (Wu-ch'ang it§§, Hunan) together with the "Great Laud" (Ta-tsan shih jdl~~), a poem written by Hsil Kuang-ch'i. Cf. Laures, p. 163, note 406; Hsil 1949, pp. 38--40,430; Couplet, pp. 17-18, no. XXV; BR, p. XXXIII; Repertoire, no. 17; Sommervogel, vol. I, col. 158.