Folio lr of chiian A mentions the title 'IBiJ[tfj1~~.L~, the chief compiler of the Ch 'ung-chen /i-shu *ff~M~ Li T'ien-ching ~Lli*~!&f.RRl{:J~!& *7(*~1~H~, the author, Schall {~!&M$~i?§If~f~l~±~:;fi~m and the reviser, Giacomo Rho mfti:i-H. The proofreaders §tr:t; of chiian A are: Yang Chih-hua f~Z¥, Pao Ying-ch'i ~~j?f, Chu T'ing-shu 4Jf-M, Yin K'ai ~i~, Ch'en Shih-Ian ~*±JIj and Sun Yu-pen i*:f:f*, and of chiian B: Wu Ming-chu J~~8)3~, Wu Chih-yen ft\;Z~, Chu T'ing-shu, Chang Yu-chuan ¥::f:f*, Li Tz'u-pin *~}i; and Li Hua *¥.