The author describes effects and consequences China's Cultural Revolution in 1966. Revolutionary Aphorisms form an integral part of Chinese folk literature. The people compose them whenever they want to state a general truth derived from their own experience of life. The author also expresses his thoughts on Reforming the Fine Arts and Red Guard Tabloids. The onrushing tide of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is just now crashing down on the remnant strength of the bourgeoisie with the might of a thunderbolt, washing the old ideology, the old culture, the old customs, and the old habits of the bourgeoisie down the stream. The author also explains proletarian revolutionary rebels are in the midst of achieving great unity and with the force of a thunderbolt they are embarking upon an all-round struggle to seize power from the small handful of Party-persons in power taking the capitalist road. Finally the author concludes people should not retreat without total victory.