The United States was an unusual country. Monarchies and empires dominated the rest of the world. Like Europe's nobility however, Americans were discovering the loaded joys of money. France more or less liked the United States however; it wanted its money back, having lent a hefty fortune to finance the War for Independence. Then there were the four North African Barbary States of Tripoli, Tunis, Morocco, and Algiers infamous for their pirates. These tiny nations helped themselves to other countrie's ships, gold, silver, and citizens. Piracy was business in Barbary. Thomas Jefferson's foreign policy involved dealing with the Barbary pirates and the excesses of Napoleon Bonaparte however; it also involved diplomacy of more consequence for the future: the acquisition of the Louisiana Territory. Sacagawea and the Corps of Discovery made it to the Pacific Ocean and wintered there in damp, coffee less misery until the early spring of 1806, they began the return journey to the East.