Any undergraduate can commiserate with, if not fully appreciate, the complexities of banking for college students in past years. In this case the student was me and the place Seattle, Washington.

Come 2:30 P.M. every Friday I would suddenly recall that the banks closed for the weekend at 3 P.M. (a practice known then as “bankers hours”) and as there were no automatic teller machines (ATMs) in those days and local merchants were as suspicious as now of accepting checks from students, while credit cards were not for the likes of college students, missing closing time meant a lean weekend indeed. So I chased up there-I cannot recall the name of the bank but it was a Washington State bank for in those days there were no multistate banks-and withdrew my weekly stipend in $2 bills (Figure 9.1). The bills had nothing to do with banking per se, just something a little different with which to entertain myself.