In 1903 WE.B. Du Bois published The Souls of Black Folk, a collection of essays that addressed the issue of race in American life, and the impact of race on African Americans. One essay in the collection. "Of Booker T. Washington and Others," examined very critically Washington's philosophy and leadership and laid out Du Bois's strategy for civil rights. While not attacking Washington 's motives or ethics. Du Bois argued that the policies championed by the Tuskegeean failed to resolve the problems that African Americans confronted. In this essay. "The Parting of the Ways" (World Today 6 [April 1904]: 521-32), Du Bois intensified his criticism of Washington, and outlined his specific differences with the conservative faction of African American leadership. In doing so he defined many of the racial views that later would be embodied in the Niagara Movement and the NAACP.