The "Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World" was a statement of black grievances and rights drawn up and approved on August 13, 1920, by the first convention of the UNIA, which met in New York, August 1-31, 1920. Garvey viewed this Declaration of Rights as the African/African American equivalent of the Declaration of Independence or the French "Rights of Man. " The convention also elected Garvey "Provisional President of Africa. " Ellipses indicate that material was missing or indecipherable. We have omitted the signatures affixed to the original document. The Declaration of Rights was printed in Negro World, September 11, 1920, and reprinted in Jacques-Garvey, Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, vol. 2: 135-43, and in MG&UNIA Papers 2: 571-80.