Shanghai Employment by Ownership Sector (millions of regular staff and workers, and percentages)

1957 1965 1970 1976

Total number (m.) 2.31 2.76 3.08 3.99 State-owned (%) 75 77 79 78 Collective (%) 16 22 20 22 Other (%) 8.5 1.8 (0) 0.3

1982 1985 1990 1992

Total number (m.) 4.77 4.93 5.08 5.11 State-owned (%) 78 78 78 78 Collective (%) 22 21 20 19 Other (%) 0.5 0.6 1.8 3.2

Note and source: The state finns are guoying, the collectives are those legitimated by reasonably large jurisdictions (zhen and bigger), and the "other" category includes private finns but mostly comprises joint enterprises of various sorts and especially in early years is almost trivial. Calculations for 1970 and later years (except the' 'other" calculation for 1976 and 1982) are from data in Shanghai tongji nianjian, 1993 (Shanghai Statistical Yearbook, 1993), Shanghai Statistical Bureau, ed. (Beijing: Zhongguo Tongji Chuban She, 1993), p. 77. Figures on the early years, and slightly different figures for other years, are in Shanghai jingji, neibu ben: 1949-1982 (Shanghai Economy, Internal Volume: 1949--1982), Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, ed. (Shanghai: Shanghai Shehui Kexue Yuan Chuban She, 1984), p. 963.