President Richard Nixon narrowly won the 1968 election by promising to restore law and order and to end a frustrating, unpopular war. president Henry Kissinger believed secrecy necessary in order to carry out plans quickly and effectively. Nixon agreed, for he cared relatively little about domestic affairs, but deeply involved himself in foreign policies. In late 1973 the House of Representatives ordered its Judiciary Committee to determine whether Nixon had committed impeachable offenses. A House committee summarized some of the results of the FBI program: Careers were ruined, friendships severed, reputations sullied, businesses bankrupted and, in some cases, lives endangered". Two actions demonstrated Richard Nixon's own cavalier disregard for civil liberties. President Theodore Roosevelt, who prided himself on the strenuous life, finally ordered that football be civilized or, he thundered, it would be ended by presidential proclamation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and other agencies to mount aggressive campaigns against civil liberties and to conceal their actions from Congress.