Successful new teachers develop in their skills of teaching, but also in their emotional intelligence and their understanding of how learning is affected by the emotions. The understanding of the key features of emotional intelligence – self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills – is essential for mentors to fully support their trainees. Mentors will benefit from knowing about the Drama Triangle, as devised by Stephen Karpman. In a mentoring relationship, positive psychology means ensuring that the mentor points out the new teacher's strengths, verbalises gratitude for the hard work that he has done and expresses clear belief that he can continue to improve. The relationship between the mentor and the trainee is a very special one. It requires awareness, understanding and empathy, along with a willingness to change. It can awaken feelings, including some that have long been buried and that may come back to the surface as a result of verbal exchanges, which can sometimes be uncomfortable.