The hypnobirth course is made up of key components, and one of them is breathing techniques. A 2003 study into the use of breathing techniques in asthma sufferers concluded that it can improve symptoms and reduce bronchodilator use. Dr Herbert Benson coined the term the 'relaxation response' during the 1960s and 70s. His work studied the scientific benefits of relaxation on a wide range of stress-related disorders. A Swedish study in 2010 concluded that birth preparation with prophylaxis showed no more beneficial effects on labour outcomes than standard education without prophylaxis. Pranayama breathing is the practice of voluntary slow, deep breathing, consisting of a conscious inhalation, retention and exhalation. The hypnobirth breath can be called many things. The various 'brands' of hypnobirth describe it as surge breathing, birth breathing or up breathing. The Oxford University National Health Service (NHS) Trust, in collaboration with the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre, introduced, in 2012, Mindfulness Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP).