The new institutionalism (NI) is a sociological institutionalism that has adapted insights from historical institutionalism, but contrasts the rational choice institutionalism strongly. The NI is interested in organizational structures and processes than in attitudes or behaviors of individuals. The NI focuses on processes of interaction between organizations and their institutional environments. The NI is the leading organizational theories. Organizational structures as well as organizational behavior best explained by the organizations pursuit to gain, to maintain, or to repair legitimacy. Mass media as institutions with a regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive pillar is helpful in the discussion about the power of the media in political communication. Repertoires are defined as "limited sets of routines that are learned, shared and acted out through a relatively deliberate process of choiceand are learned cultural creations". The concept of repertoires emphasizes that the communication of political organizations may not be viewed isolated, but always in relation to interactions within and outside the organization.