This chapter discusses fact that the sum of world armaments increases due to the progression of the arms race, the military security of every nation decreases. It sketches the major implications for military security of the continuation of the arms race. The four reasons for declining national security are: the possibility of accidents; the possibility of accidental war; limitations on the ability to control inventories; and widening gap between offensive and defensive military technology. The United States Department of Defense has acknowledged the occurrence of twelve major accidents involving nuclear weapons over the period 1958-66. In 1969, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) published comprehensive list, including thirty-three major US nuclear weapons accidents between 1950 and 1968.The arms race has produced an accelerating deterioration in the security of all the world's nations. Massive reduction at least of weapons of mass destruction, is seemingly the only military strategy available which can actually successfully increase military national security.