Literary theory is science. It studies literary phenomena, and its academic expectation is to reflect the literature and art laws that exist objectively. Marxist dialectical materialism insists that consciousness is a reflection of existence, which is undoubtedly right. But human consciousness is dynamic. Postmodernism is a more complex literary phenomenon. It is a product of post-industrial society. Culturally, it reflects the criticism of post-industrial society, and postmodernism as literary and artistic creation is some sort of backwash of modernism and inheritance of realism and romanticism. Social real life is the only inexhaustible source of literary and artistic creation. This is undoubtedly right. The social life of human beings is constantly developing and updating, so literature and art are constantly changing like "the era alternation and the literary change" described by the ancient China literary theorist Liu Xie. Since the 20th century, due to the development of literary theories worldwide, literary criticism has been given a variety of theoretical options.