Some people love to decipher puzzles, solve crosswords, play video games, fix broken items, and engage in activities such as orienteering or survivalist pursuits. From an objective point of view, it may seem that humans enjoy spending time in problems. The joy in problem solving might be due to the fact that, for many, solving a problem just feels good. It can be financially rewarding or may bring a troubled relationship to a more intimate status. However, in relationship-based fields, such as teaching, leadership, coaching, and counseling, it is common practice to talk about the problem and focus on what is missing. Although this serves an intellectual purpose, it often thwarts success and reduces the potential for new thinking. Strengths-based approaches are now being embraced in these fields bringing successful, quick, and empowering change to those involved (Burkus, 2011; Edwards, 2012; Lopez & Louis, 2009; Wade & Jones, 2015; Wong, 2006).