For most maritime practitioners, the main discussion on wastes centers upon garbage regulations under MARPOL Annex V. In the interest of a global understanding of marine pollution from wastes, it is meaningful to point out land-based sources of wastes, sea-based sources other than shipping operations or even transboundary movements of hazardous wastes which may end at sea. Marine debris stemming from land-based or ocean-based sources end up in the oceans, they float on the water or accumulate on the coasts or seabed, and may cause the death or injury of marine mammals, seabirds and other species. Marine debris or marine litter can be found nowadays in all waters, including in those surrounding remote islands. MARPOL Annex V is the international instrument of reference on marine pollution by garbage from ships. Port State control findings generally point to a satisfactory level of implementation of MARPOL Annex V as compared with other areas subject to controls.