In the evangelical atheism, Dawkins finds several fellow travellers in the recent non-fiction best-seller lists, including journalist Christopher Hitchens, philosopher Daniel Dennett and aspiring neuroscientist Sam Harris. It is one thing to admit that religious dogmatism has periodically halted the march of scientific progress but quite another to argue that atheism has actually advanced science. A recent poll of members of the US National Academy of Sciences found that 85 per cent claim that they do not believe in God. Russell was one of the most scientifically literate people of his time, but his objection to organized religion was mainly ethical not epistemo-logical. Atheism started to become salient in legal debates over science only once it became clear that a significant number of creationists were themselves reputable scientists, or at least holders of reputable degrees in science. In a secular environment, the balance of power in the market for religious goods shifts from the producer to the consumer.