Friedrich Nietzsche is the most notorious philosopher because he is alleged to be an anti-Semite, a proto-Fascist and an anti-Christian. He is neither anti-Semite nor proto-Fascist, but he is anti-Christian. Nietzsche announces that God is dead in The Gay Science and spells out the reasons in his searing attack on Christianity in The Anti-Christ. He despises most religions and Christianity in particular. Moreover, he is well aware, and discusses in some detail, that were it not for Christianity humanity would have remained in the doldrums of an uncouth and unconscious social world dominated by the brutish masters described in Essay 1 of The Genealogy of Morals. Of course, Nietzsche's criticism of Christianity is convincing only to the degree that his attribution of decadence, ressentiment and ambition is convincing. At least this much is clear: ressentiment and ambition are opposed to what Jesus taught.