What is meant by “method” in the sciences? e English word derives from the ancient Greek methodos, which has its roots in the idea of being cra y or cunning. Later for the Greeks it came to mean “the pursuit of knowledge” or “a way of enquiry” (literally “way of pursuit”). For us moderns it has a wider usage. e Oxford English Dictionary tells us that a method is a way of doing something in accordance with a plan, or a special procedure; or it is a regular systematic way of either treating a person or attaining a goal. It is also a systematic or orderly arrangement of topics, discourses or ideas. In general one can speak of a method for gutting and lleting sh, baking a cake, wiring a fuse box, surveying a given piece of landscape, conducting a funeral or cracking a safe. Not following the prescribed method usually leads to a botched, or socially unacceptable, outcome. ere are also methods for teaching languages, for example, the immersion method; there are methods for teaching the violin to the very young, for example, the Suzuki method; there are methods for learning and playing curling, or a nose ute; and so on. In general there are methods whereby one can not only best teach or learn a given subject, but also present an e ective case in a law court, write up a report, conduct an orchestra or a meeting, and so on.