In this chapter, the author shares the reflection about his experience with Mrs. P and William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury. In this novel, Faulkner uses a remarkable stream-of-consciousness method in which he tracks movements of Benjy's mind set in motion by sensory experiences associated with Caddy that are triggered by events in the environment. The form in which the author has structured the chapter takes the reader back and forth between the novel and the clinical material of the analysis of Mrs. P. In the course of doing this, he provides more explanation for what is happening than does Faulkner in his novel. The brief introduction to the mind of the character Benjy Compson provides a glimpse into the psychological space within him that was generated by his reading of William Faulkner, from which he began to sense his way into Mrs. P's world in the course of relistening to her.