While he viewed these bases within a political and ideological context, the major thrust of Mao's deli­ berations in this regard focusses on geographical features. His emphasis to this effect led him to state that

... guerrillas without base areas are roving insurgents and can have no connection with the

political aspirations of the indigenous popula­ tion. (2)

In accordance with the above, strategic base areas may be established either within the borders of the endangered state, or adjacent to them. The latter are generally termed sanctuaries. In both cases the area should provide the insurgent forces with a degree of physical security. This can be obtained by terrain features such as inaccessability, or by political and diplomatic measures. Should the base area for an insurgency be established with an adja­ cent country, i.e. across an international boundary, the insurgent forces might obtain security by diplo­ matic means.