This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. This autobiographical chapter of the book traces the journey from personal subjectivity to professional identity and a growing awareness of political efficacy as a critical global citizen. It demonstrates a discursive psychology that, while it deepens insights into conventional language use, seeks to integrate intellectual and practical activity. Treating thought as internal dialogue, discursive psychology explores abduction and inference, metaphor, and metaphysics as meta-real identity. Communication as inconspicuous construction of social reality, implicit ontology, exposes the role of language in constituting the institutional fact, processes generally airbrushed from reckonings. In attempts to walk the fine line between introspective indulgence and an epistemic contribution, the author of this book uses the four main theoretical frames to acknowledge voices and texts that allow theorising passion, synthesising and lending coherence to develop the conceptualization of critical global educators.