This chapter evaluates how the schedule based on CHAT's framework successfully enabled the findings of this thesis. Initially bewildering, gradually meaningful, and finally intriguing, analysis indicated the schedule's potential to prompt magical inattention towards naive inner tension and to process critical conscientisation. UNESCO's Global Monitoring and Evaluation reports, a systematic way of providing ESD-related professional development to all in-service teachers has not emerged and the Questionnaires suggest that ESD teacher professional development opportunities are being provided only on an ad hoc basis, with no evidence of whole-scale change. This research shows how attitudes, beliefs and opinions, theoretically reinforced by critical content, analysis and application, correlate with degrees of transformational purpose. Valuing accountability beyond accountancy, sharing funds, academics in this research use critical theory to ignite and urge argument, designing and delivering benignly named courses for activist public sociology. Journal writing, extracurricular commitments, projects and protest marches converted cultural commons.