This chapter provides professionals in the field of career development with an overview of evidence-based instructional practices in secondary transition and predictors of post-school success for high school students with disabilities. It introduces professionals in the field of career development to evidence-based practices that support the transition needs of youth with disabilities. The chapter identifies the practices and predictors which provides career development professionals with a set of activities that support the development of self-exploration, career planning and management skills for students with disabilities. The post-school outcomes data from the NLTS2 indicated significant gaps between students with and without disabilities enrolling in postsecondary education and obtaining post-school employment. National policies have been passed requiring educators to use practices and curricula that are research-based in an effort to promote better student outcomes. In 2005, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) published a special issue proposing quality indicators for determining if a practice was evidence-based in the field of special education.