"Three-dimensional" suspension may be one of the reasons why people feel so euphoric while SCUBA diving. They are again suspended in a gravity-free, equal-pressure environment across the entire body. While suspended in amniotic fluid people cannot use their lungs to breathe air. Oxygen is provided via the umbilical cord. As people are born, the pressure in the birth canal pushes fluid out of people's lungs and prepares them for their first breath. Since most people's faces are far from perfectly symmetrical, this could have led to a series of the two faces people potentially present under such circumstances and an exploration of what the dissimilarities reveal about how they interpret faces. Reyes-Newell added milk around the faces, as she set up her portraits in the pool, the first food nature intends for people to ingest. As it dissolved in the water it made the faces appear as if they were surrounded by a storm.