From the methodology of liberation theology, theology is a 'second act', praxis is first, this chapter looks at the act of torturing and the liberating praxis arising out of this act of non-duality with the possibilities of theologizing that arise within this action-reflection-action. It then explores the situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Human trafficking, human rights violations have also occurred when filed asylum seekers from the United Kingdom have had their asylum cases and appeals rejected and they have been forcefully repatriated to the DRC. The latest groups to advance into the DRC has been the Ugandan Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) with the usual consequences of killings, rapes and pillage. LRA forces in the Central African Republic, the DRC and Sudan continued to commit human rights abuses, including unlawful killings and abductions. The most prominent and successful Truth and Reconciliation Commission was the South African one led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu.