Dual process theory has been immensely fertile, providing coherent explanations to both individual and social phenomena, and settling millennia-long debates. In the latter half of the twentieth century, scientists set sail to unravel the mystery, and by the new millennium a body of research was all pointing the finger at one thing. Many unconscious processes are innate. The most inner part of people's brain is the host for the processes that keep people alive, such as those regulating their heartbeat and body temperature. The human brain is the most powerful and efficient processor in the universe. Conscious processes turn unconscious with practice. Once a process turns automatic, it hardly improves with repetition, if at all. As the consciousness and unconsciousness dance together in the process, skills form and strengthen in people's unconsciousness, allowing even harder challenges to be conquered. A few days of sleep deprivation and one's mental function is reduced to a level that would label one insane.