This chapter builds upon psychoanalytic understanding, but nevertheless tries to meet the justified claims of both analytic and non-analytic scholars to transparency and efforts for validation. The basic element of the method is 'scenic understanding', which has been the gold standard and core of clinical experience in relational psychoanalysis for about seven decades now, and has widely replaced a one-body psychological, top-down interpretation in psychoanalytic practice. The scientific transparency and explicitness required for interdisciplinary dialog are provided by several measures in scenic-narrative microanalysis: the raw data of the session are audioand/or videotaped, and the first psychoanalytic assessments of the material are provided by independent raters and documented in comments written in the margins of the transcripts. Since scenic-narrative microanalysis introduces among its quality control features the independent assessment of the material by expert raters, the issue of inter-rater-reliability comes up.