In this chapter, we provide a detailed understanding of the complexity of the Philippines correctional system. Without this specific background, it is difficult to make any accurate assessments regarding the risk of prison radicalisation and terrorist recruitment, or develop effective strategies to best manage Violent Extremist Offenders (VEOs) in the Philippines. We also suggest that making assessments about VEOs incarcerated in any country, a similar in-depth understand is required. In the following discussion, we also provide an intimate understanding of the inmate cultures and social structures, including the prison gangs or pangkats, which share governance in the correctional system. Therefore, as these prisons and jails consist of formal and informal leadership structures, it is important to also see how VEOs behave and adapt to these, and to prison conditions and regimes in the Philippines. Overall, without a good understanding of the prison gang dynamics within the prison system and the regime itself, it is difficult to assess the risk VEOs pose when integrated into the general inmate population. Also, without a good understanding of jail life, it is difficult to assess the risk VEOs pose when segregated together and away from the general inmate population.