Spell, enchantment, hex, vision, prophecy, transformation

Mind, thoughts, will, focus, concentration, trance

Movement, motion, gesture, flick, wave

Force, energy, power, resistance, shield

Circle, triangle, star, pentagram, octagon

Lines, shapes, symbols, signs, marks, sigils, runes, glyphs, hieroglyphics, birthmark, tattoo

Paper, parchment, vellum, scroll, ink, chalk

Sword, dagger, blade, tip

Staff, wand, stick, twigs

Bones, feathers, eyes

Box, casket, chest

Stone, altar, tomb, door, floor

String, rope, ribbon, chains, shackles, bonds, lock, knot

Cauldron, pot, bowl, phial, glass, jar

Ointment, potion, powder, liquid, mixture

Water, blood, wine

Bones, fangs, horn

Lard, suet, slime, salt, pepper

Plants, herbs, nettles, leaves, roots, flowers, berries

Creatures, snakes, bats, beetles, dragon, phoenix, cyclops

Light, candles, torch, lamp

Smell, scent, incense, vapour, smoke

Mist, haze, fog, shimmer, glow, sparks, bolt, flames, fire

Language, tongue, words, line, poem, names, voice, breath, call, chant, hum, whisper, roar, bellow

Arms, forearm, hands, wrist, palms, fist, knuckles, fingers, fingertips, thumb, nails, legs, feet

Head, eyes, mouth, forehead

Similes/ Like ripples on the surface of a lake; like a captured storm Metaphors cloud; like a tight band around his chest; like water splashed

on hot iron; red-hot like a poker; like heat from a furnace; spun slowly like a top

Adjectives Old, ancient, archaic

Secret, hidden, concealed, invisible

Foreign, strange, alien, bizarre, curious, outlandish, mysterious, sinister

Protective, defensive

Three, seven, ten, twelve

Three-fingered, sharp-clawed

Quick, swift, rapid, deft, urgent

Limp, loose, slack, droopy, floppy

Soft, low, muffled, faint, distant, indistinct, inaudible

Gentle, calming, soothing

Deep, booming, loud, harsh, gruff, rasping, guttural

Pale, white, white-hot, fiery, red, blue, sapphire, turquoise, green, emerald, dark green, orange, amber, purple, violet, silver, black

Fluttering, flickering, swirling, whirling, shimmering, crackling

Verbs Drew, wrote, scribbled, chalked, painted, carved, engraved, etched

Stood, braced, turned, spun, twirled, circled, pivoted, danced

Stretched, extended, reached out, spread, straightened

Motioned, gestured, waved, clapped, snapped

Placed, arranged, formed, touched, lay, ran, rubbed, folded, tied, sealed

Held, gripped, clutched, clasped, pressed, pushed, pulled, closed, opened

Lifted, raised, twirled, swung, flicked, pointed, aimed

Tapped, rapped, knocked, struck, rang, sounded

Tossed, flung, threw, cast, sent, hurled, launched

Lit, ignited, sparked, burned

Shot, erupted, flashed, blazed, glowed

Stamped, cracked, shattered

Bowed, lowered, rolled, tilted

Shut, focused, delved, dived, concentrated, pictured, imagined, willed, summoned

Felt, blurred, tingled, buzzed, hissed

Spoke, uttered, recited, chanted, whispered, hummed, muttered, mumbled, murmured, babbled, rambled, called out, roared, bellowed

Repeated, echoed, resonated, reverberated

Crushed, ground, peeled, sliced, chopped, stabbed, squeezed

Added, mixed, stirred, swirled

Melted, boiled, simmered, heated

Cooled, poured, stored

Rubbed, applied, drank, swallowed

Gave off, discharged, released, emitted

Rose, leaked, oozed, slid, belched, spouted, filled

Turned, changed, altered, transformed

Created, produced, conjured, appeared, parted, hid, screened, disappeared, vanished

Adverbs Anticlockwise, clockwise




The procession of hooded figures walked as if in a trance, heads bowed, to form a circle around the altar stone.