Castle, citadel, keep, fortress, fort, stronghold, fortification

Forest, wood, trees, fields, bogs, marshes

Sea, river, stream

Cliffs, mountains, hills, valley

Moat, knives, spikes, rubbish, filth, bridge, drawbridge

Tower, watchtower, drum tower, turret, barbican, gatehouse

Portcullis, doors, gates, postern gate, sally port

Entrance, archway

Rivets, struts, spikes

Wall, curtain wall, battlements, ramparts, parapet, wall-walk, walkway, merlon, embrasure

Sides, corner, edge

Arrow slits, portholes, murder holes

Courtyard, bailey, ward

Roof, spires, minarets, domes, statues

Alarm, bells, horn, bugle, drums, chant, prayers, shouts, cheers

Lights, torch, torchlight, shadows

Tar, oil, pitch, lead, fire, water

Guards, sentries, armour, lances, javelins, spears, crossbows, bows, arrows, shields, swords

Attack, onslaught

Machines, engines, weapons, ballista, belfry, siege engine, tower, catapult, trebuchet, mangonel, battering ram, cannon, hwachas, ladders, pole arms

Wheels, carriage, arm, beam, fulcrum, head, bucket, pouch, sling, chains, ropes, poles, levers, pulleys, weights

Shelter, protection, tortoise, gallery, shed

Plates, hides, skins, wool, vinegar, urine

Missiles, objects, stones, rocks, boulders, sticks, dung, bodies, heads, animals, snakes, disease

Pieces, fragments, shards, shrapnel, debris, rubble, dust

Twang, ripple, creak, rattle, shriek, whistle

Smell, stench, reek

Hole, gap, breach

Similes/ Statues like pieces on a chessboard; enormous rocks the size Metaphors of barrels; great, spoon-like arm; frightful, wooden beast; like

huge crossbows; head shaped like a raven; bronze beak; thrust like a sword; as sharp as needles; thrust like a mailed fist; as dark as flint

Adjectives Outer, inner, front, back, side

Northern, southern, eastern, western

Round, square, rectangular, bowl-shaped, spoon-like, curved, crooked, winding

Narrow, wide, long, steep, sheer, low, deep, shallow

Solid, hollow

Metal, iron, iron-tipped, iron-bound, iron-covered, wood, wooden, marble, glass

Dark-clad, armoured

High, towering, hulking, soaring

Red, white, silver, gilded

Dark, black, grey, grim

Frightful, forbidding, menacing, sinister, eerie, macabre

Ferocious, dangerous, treacherous

Large, huge, giant, enormous, massive, immense, gigantic

Rough, rutted, jagged, spiked, needle-sharp

Dry, filthy, foul, slime-filled, foul-smelling

Deadly, lethal, murderous, venomous, destructive

Vile, severed, dead, poisonous, disease-ridden

Flickering, glinting, flaring, flashing

Many, several, lots, numerous, hundreds, thousands

Random, regular, systematic

Verbs Marched, moved, advanced, swept

Saw, spotted, glimpsed, made out, caught sight of, revealed

Warned, alerted, signalled

Rose, soared, spiralled, erupted, reared, thrust, pierced

Loomed, stretched, blocked, shadowed, brooded

Surrounded, encircled, enclosed, ringed

Protected, defended, shielded, guarded

Built, constructed, erected, assembled

Stood, perched

Led, ran, curved, weaved

Located, set, positioned, situated

Lined, flanked, edged, bordered

Dotted, studded, peppered, interspersed

Topped, crowned, capped

Strengthened, fitted with, reinforced, fortified

Sunk, inserted, fixed, lodged, embedded

Rang, tolled, chimed, pealed

Watched, viewed, observed, surveyed

Raised, lifted, lowered, shut, locked, barred, sealed

Posted, placed, positioned, stationed, deployed

Stood, manned, marched, patrolled

Wielded, brandished

Hid, concealed, camouflaged

Prepared, poised

Shaped, moulded, sculpted

Thrust, aimed, directed, trained, levelled

Dangled, hung, suspended, swung, swayed

Dragged, hauled, heaved, yanked, lugged

Sent, tossed, flung, scattered, showered, sprayed, spattered

Shook, shivered, shuddered, juddered

Cracked, crushed, crumbled, splattered, flattened, collapsed

Resisted, withstood

Surged, poured, rushed, streamed

Covered, sheltered

Prevented, stopped

Glistened, glimmered, glinted

Soaked, dipped, doused, rinsed

Stuffed, filled, packed

Gaped, opened, yawned

Fixed, attached, fastened, bolted

Loaded, stacked, piled, extended

Mounted, launched, attacked, assaulted

Released, discharged, ejected

Hurled, pitched, hurtled, propelled

Battered, pounded, punched, hammered, crashed, slammed, pummelled, rattled

Rained, hailed, dropped, descended, plunged, plummeted

Echoed, beat, rang, chanted, prayed, shouted, cheered, jeered



such a machine  Covered in metal plates on three sides  Gaped from the front of the machine  Covered with skins


Every so often, a spire pierced the sky, alerting them that they were within sight of the watchtowers.