Throughout a woman’s life there are a series of critical moments that ultimately shape the way she will see herself and her body as an adult. When I interviewed Dr.

Laura Ellick-a Long Island psychologist specializing in

body image and eating disorders (see Chapter 20 for a

summary of the interview)—I asked her about those

moments. She made me aware of several things. For one,

I hadn’t realized just how early our ideas about our bodies

begin to form. Dr. Ellick also helped me reflect on this

important consideration: more often than not, the

messages girls receive about their bodies are negative, or

stem from a place of fear. There is much less that is

discussed about the power of our bodies, the amazing

beauty of a woman’s body in its ability to create and

sustain life; instead there is more, so much more, that

revolves around what she calls “shaming.”