Preschool period is a time of tremendous growth and development for children in every way: physical, cognitive, language, social, emotional, and intellectual (Bernstein, Clarke-Stewart, Roy, Srull, & Wickens, 1994; Essa, 2003; Huffman, Mehlinger, & Kerivan, 2000; Vasta, Miller, & Ellis, 2004). The importance of the preschool period is increasing because children’s peer relations have been established during their first experiences with peers (Wood, Cowan, & Baker, 2002). Starting preschool education is a significant developmental step since it is the first meeting with peer groups and this period may cause behavioural and emotional difficulties and problems (Perren, Wyl, Stadelmann, Bürgin, & Von Klitzing, 2006). Two types of behavioural problems occur in children at preschool age. There are two types of behavioural problems: internalising and externalising behaviour problems. While behaviours of externalising are revealed in the form of aggression, beating, stealing, excessive activity, opposition,

*Emails: sibel.yoleri@usak.edu.tr; yoleriizmir@gmail.com

and disobedience; behaviours of internalising include problems of anxiety, fear, and concentration (Campbell, 1995; Gimpel & Holland, 2003; Halpern, 2004; Keenan & Wakschlag, 2004; Pike, Iervolino, Eley, Price, & Plomin, 2006; Spence, Rapee, McDonald, & Ingram, 2001).