Buddhist classics were often referred to as Buddhist scriptures and Tripitaka. Buddhist classics were often referred to as Buddhist scriptures and Tripitaka. The origin meaning of “Tripitaka” in Sanskrit was the bamboo suitcase holding all kinds of things. There were three systems of China’s translation of Indian Buddhist books: Chinese translation, Tibetan translation, and Dai translation. With the increase in the translation and introduction of Buddhist scriptures, Chinese monks gradually deepened their understanding of Buddhist argumentation. Before the invention of the new printing technology, the circulation of Buddhist scriptures had to rely on transcribing on paper – that is, to be spread among monasteries and people in the form of transcripts. The catalog of Buddhist scriptures records title, author, content, and so forth of Buddhist scriptures, and is an important tool to guide reading and retrieval of Buddhist scripture. Chinese Buddhist scriptures’ catalog organized a large number of Buddhist literature in different categories, reflecting system and content of Buddhist scriptures.