Sensory differences is evident from reading the personal accounts of people with autism that most experience difficulties in processing sensory information. They may be hyper-sensitive to sensory stimuli, for example: Sound become distressed by the particular volume or pitch of sounds, Visual be distracted by visual information: eye contact may actually be painful, Touch find touch, certain textures and changes in temperature uncomfortable. Sensory Differences also be Hypo-sensitive to sensory stimuli, for example: Sound like to listen to certain sounds and vibrations close to their ear, Touch not obviously reacting to pain and injuries, Sight look intensely at lights. There are a number of strategies that can be used to help the pupil: Use observations to find out what sensory stimulation the pupil finds difficult and talk to the family about this, Where possible, remove sensory stimulation that is distressing, and re-introduce it carefully and gradually, using a small-steps approach.