This chapter focuses on the medicalization of sex, particularly Viagra and the politics of orgasm and sexual dysfunctions. The basics of global sex are the same as the basics of sex in the United States: sperm and egg need to meet for conception to take place; every culture recognizes the existence of at least two sexes; and women are disproportionately victimized by all forms of sexual violence. As the 'organ of copulation', the penis becomes responsible for upholding what is taken to be the most important element of heterosex-penile-vaginal intercourse. The author suggests that one could explore some global concerns about sex-the collision of sex, capitalism, and representation-by focusing on Viagra, orgasm, and sexual dysfunctions. Sociocultural structures and institutions provide the blueprint for the sexualities individuals may develop. For example, the reality of sexual violence in all its forms is larger than any individual or their choices.