Mike tells a story about perspective.You will be tempted to pop some asshole with your PR 24. It happens. It’s a bad idea. What if you kill him? It happens. You can never control the outcome-don’t forget that. You’ll think you can-until something goes wrong. Then it’s too late. Someone really gives you a hard time. You put a carotid choke-hold on him, to inflict a little extra punishment. That’s wrong.

You have to learn to keep your moral center inside you. Never let someone take it from you. If someone is pushing your buttons, that’s their problem. How you react is your problem. Don’t let them direct the action. Never use somebody else as a justification for what you do. Don’t blame the courts, the public, some asshole for your behavior. It’s your behavior. Never forget that. It’s your moral center, and you can lose it. You can lose it forever.