I A CERTAIN change is noticeable in the material at this point. The drawings of the previous chapter represented a profound psychological revolution, in which the outworn. values of the collective fa vade began to be replaced by introverted tortoise-wisdom. This event is like the end of an epoch; the old ruler is displaced and a· new reign begins. The dynamic invasion of the anima into the realm of conscious freedom (in Drawing 14) made the absolute monistic conception of consciousness no longer tenable. The debacle was inevitable because, whether in the hierarchy of the psyche or of the state, the position of an absolute ruler is one of increasing tension and suspicion, due to the fact that his supremacy is maintained by the repression of every other element which could rival his ascendancy. The repressed antithesis is the hero's vulnerable spot. What is repressed is not extinguished: the ever-increasing tension caused by the repression of essential vital elements mounts eventually to an explosion. This may result in irremediable collapse or in a life-saving realization. The advent of realization in the individual psyche is the birth of the soul.