It is recognized that children and adolescents have limited access to appropriate diagnoses and treatment options in mental health. Thus, group trial-based cognitive training (G-TBCT) was developed as an alternative preventive universal approach aiming to modify adolescents' core beliefs in school settings. Knowing that harmful consequences result from such deficiencies in adult life, classroom-based prevention programs can be seen as a desirable solution G-TBCT was developed as an 18-session approach, and introduced to 1117-year-old adolescents in class. It is presented in four stages, namely, detective of the mind; attorney of the mind; judge of the mind; and master of the mind. In these stages students are informed about the cognitive model, cognitive distortions, and the thought record referred to as the lens of the detective of the mind. students role-play attorneys in a court trial, evaluate and change the negative CB, conceptualized as self-accusation, by means of the trial-based thought record (TBTR).