There are many individual moving parts to a crowdsourcing campaign. Filmmakers discovered that a majority of the public not only has a somewhat confused or muddled idea as to the definition of crowdsourcing, but also how to go about launching and sustaining a successful crowdsourcing campaign. They learned that Wikipedia can, at times, offer some incomplete or contradictory information, and that investigative and research efforts should not begin and end with one source. Filmmakers examined, dissected and compared and contrasted the Jeff Howe/Mark Robinson, David D. Brabham and Enrique Estelles-Arolas and Fernando Gonzalez Ladron-de-Guevara definitions of crowdsourcing, extracting the extremely pertinent nuggets of information. The strategies of running a successful crowdsourcing campaign are vast and can be complex. For everything about running a successful crowdsourcing campaign begins and ends with identifying, engaging and moving the crowd.