Kaineus, 5 378/1, 439,460,480, 638 Kainis, 5 439

kairos/Katpos, 10 398, 585 Kaiser, O.: “Beitrage zur Differen-

tialdiagnose der Hysterie und Katatonie,” 3 12W

Kalevala, Finnish epic, 5 474n Kali, 9 i 158, 186, 189; 10 989; 16

518 ; -Durga, 10 880

Kalighat (Calcutta), 13 128/1 kalit, 8 125 Kallisthenes, pseudo-, 9 i 604 Kalthoff, A., 5 1 1 3 ;

The Rise of Christianity, 5 42n, 1 1 3 n

Kama, 5 198, 590/1 Kamea, 14 636 kamma, see karma Kammerer, P., 8 825, 827;

Das Gesetz der Serie, 8 825/1, 840/i

Ka-Mutef, 9 i 438; 9 ii 322; 11 177, 197, 222, 235, 237; 14 35on, 3 5 1 , 3 5 5

Kanathos, fountain of, 5 363 Kankeleit, O.: Das Unbewusste als

Keimstatte des Schopferischen, J . ’s foreword and contribution, 18 1760-8

Kant, I., 2 46; 4 688, 690; 5 14n; 6 6 1, 63-6, 193, 5 12 , 5 19 , 659, 680, 733; 8 2 12 , 276, 352, 358; 9 i 160, 259; 9 ii 1 1 ; 10 779, 8 71; 11 375; 15 3 1 ; 16 294; 18 8, 124, 485, 714 , 758, 1734;

anthropology of, 18 1223; on a priori categories, 3 527; 8 840; 9 i 136/1, 150; on categorical imperative, 15 s* ; and categories, 10 14; and comprehension, 3 393; 8 4 5 4 ; on Ding an sich (Thing-initself), 4 3 17 ; 11 39971, 819 ; 12 247; 13 82; on idea, 6 519 , 733, 753; on instinct, 8 265; as introverted type, 6 526 ,632 ; psychology of, 18 900; on “shadowy representations/ thoughts,” 3 440; 9 i 160; on Swedenborg, 18 706-9; theory o f knowledge, 9 i 120n; threefold postulate of, 6 534;. on Urbildy 6 5 19 , 733; 8 276; w o r k s :

Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, 8 265zi; 18 8/1; Critique of Practical Reason, 3 i8n; 6 66&/1; Critique of Pure Reason, 2 4 6/1; 6 63n, 64n, 651?, 733W, 753*1; 8 654; 9 i 150; 11 819/1, 967; 18 1589;

Kant's Cosmogony as in his “Es­ say on the Retardation of the Ro­ tation of the Earth” . . . , ed.