Zacharias Zeesar, 9 ii 330 Zeitgeist, 16 22 Zeitschrift fu r angewandte Psycholo­

gie und psychologische Sammelforschung, 18 (£33322)

Zeller, E.: A History of Greek Philoso­ phy, tr. S. F. Alleyne, 6 70821; 8 92722; 1 1 6121, 12472, 16021, 179&22; 12 40922, 4102272, 41322, 43322, 43622, 43922, 45022

Zen Buddhists, see Buddhism s.v. zenith, 10 771 Zeno, 12 37022 Zentralblatt fu r Psychoanalyse, 18

etc. s.v. Sophonias Zeppelin, see Ufo(s) Zeus/Jupiter, the god, 5 11922, 363,

46022; 7 507; 10 690, 848; 11 454, 656; 12 43622, 56 1; 13 54; 14 2722;

in alchemy, 13 355, 358, 409; and Cadmus, 14 85-6; Christ as, 5 16322; eagle of, 15 152; father o f the gods, 10 690; and Hera, 5 363; 9 ii 32222; Jupiter Ammon, 5 28322; Pallas-Athene sprang from, 5 560; 9 i 95; 10 7 3 1 ; son of Cronos, 5 363; and stone, 13 129; 14 76572; as supreme authority, 10 394; three sons of, 13 270^22; world-soul, 5 198; and Yahweh, compared, 11 568

“ Ziege7 “Geiss,” in misreading, 1 38, 152

Ziegler, K. A. (bookseller): Alchemie, 18 169122

Ziehen, G. T., 2 22-4, 46, 70, 186, 47122, 562, 5 7 1, 577-8, 58 1, 584, 59°, 599, 6o2&2222, 621, 730; 3 2 Serif 10;

“ Die Ideenassoziation des Kindes,” tr. C. G. van Liew and O. W. Beyer, 2 7022, 56022, 57722, 60221, (£271), 88922; Introduction to Physiological Psychology, 2 2922, (£271), 73322; ed., Sammlung von Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der padagogischen Psychologie, 2 7022

Ziermer, M.: “ Genealogische Studien uber die Vererbung geistiger Eigenschaften,” 4 69522

Zilboorg, G., 18 (£63422); and G. W. Henry, History of Medical Psychology, 3 32222

Zimmer, H., 11 908, 9 5 1, 961, 963; 18 1 1 3 1 , 1160 , 1250;

The Art of Indian Asia, 11 90822; Kunstform und Yoga in indischen Kultbild, 11 6322, 48422, 90822;

122 n ; Philosophies of India, 9 i 158/1; Dei' Wegzum Selbst, 11 95077; 14 gem; J . ’s introduction, 11 95063

Zimmern, A., see under Porphyry Zimmern, H.,see Nietzsche s.v. Hu­

man, All-too-Human zinc, 14 87n Zinzendorf, Count Nikolaus von,

18 1536 Sen Zion, Mount, 11 7 18 Zipporah, wife o f Moses, 5 67 in; 9 ii

328n, 360, 36 1, 383, 396, 397 Zockler, Otto, 5 368, 400/1, 40 m,

403/1, 407/1; The Cross of Christ, 5 368nn, 398/1; 13 446/2; “ Probabilismus,” 12 24/2

zodia, 9 ii 18 1, 230 zodiac, 8 987; 9 i 7 ,fig. 2; 9 ii 149/1;

1 1 1 18 ; 12 214 , 3 14 , 3 17 , 346, figs-9 2 , 9 3 » 100> 104 > *5 6> l 92 > 14 5> 298;

constellations of, 1 1 4 18 ; four and, 5 fig. 39; 12 172; and horoscope, 9 ii 230; 15 82; House o f Venus in, 5 662; 13 193&72; 14 17 1 ; and opus, 13 414/1; symbolism, 1 1 (p 357)

zodiac, twelve signs of, 5 4238cn,fig. X LIV ; 8 867, 86912; 9 i 552; 9 ii 13 6’ 35U 3 66n; 12 287n, 3 19 , 469, 490;

apostles and, 5 163; 11 418 , 424; 12 469; house of, 9 i 552; in Manichean system, 12 469; on serpent’s back, 5 i63n; 8 3 9 4 ; spring zodion, 5 596; (1) Aries/Ram, 5 28 3^ 596; 8 987; 9 i 7; 9 ii i28n, i3on, 136, 147/2, 156/2, 162; 10

a n i m a l s s.v. ra m ); (2) Taurus, 5 295802, 596, 662; 10 589, 9 14; 12fig. 17 ; 13 193/2; 14 171802, 2 17 (see also ANIMALS S. V. bull); (3) Gemini/Twins, 9 ii 130, *33", i34» J 37w; 14 217; (4) Cancer, 5 421/2; 9 i 6646; 14 6, 155, 2 17 , 276; (5) Leo, 5 176, 425, 67m ; 14 217 , 276; 16 455/2; 18 266; (6) Virgo, 9 ii i3on, i33n, 163/2, 166, 194; 10 9 14 ; 12 5 2 4 ; 14 2 17 ; (7) Libra, 5 662; 9 ii 130/2, 137/2; 14 6, 2 17 ; (8) Scorpio, 5 2958cn; 14 2 17 ; (9) Sagittarius, 9 ii 128/2; 14 217 ; (10) Capricorn, 5 290; 9 ii 148, 173 ; 14 6, 2 17 ; ( 11) Aquarius, 9 ii 136, 142, 147, 148, 149; 10 589; 1 1 725/2, 733; 14 2 17 ; (12) Pisces/Fish, 8 987; 9 i 7, 552; 9 ii 128, 147, 150, 172, l 73n > ' 77* l S l ; 10 293, 5 8 9 ;1 1 118 , 257n, 644, 725, 733; 12 3 19 ; 14 2 17 (see also a n i m a l s s.v. fish; astrology s.v. fishes in); see also astrology; horoscope; planets

zodion, spring, 5 596; 13 409/2 zogo, 8 120 Zohar, The, 14 19802, 25n, T58n,

568, 57*2802, 59 1, 592n, 6ign, 630/2, 634802, 635/2, 637/2, 70m ;

Der Sohar, tr. E. Mueller, 14 i8n; tr. H. Sperling and M. Simon, 9 i 576/2; 9 ii 168/2, 180, 335 ; 11 59571; 13 168; 14 73n, 589/2, 640/2; Tikkune Zohar, 14 i58n

Zola, Emile: The Dream, 3 9 2 ;

nutritional, 5 206; oral, 4 262; 5 206; seventh, 13 10 1; sexual, 5 206; see also anal s.v, region

Zoneff, P., and E. Meumann, 2 1058, 1059, 10 6 1, 1187&72;

“Uber Begleiterscheinungen psychischer Vorgange in Atem und Puls,” 2 105871, (p580)

s.v. Zrwan akarana, 5 425 Zschokke, 1 147; 10 850;

Eine Selbstschau, 1 14721; 10 85072

Zulu myths, 5 29872 Ziindel, F.: Pfarrer J . C. Blumhardt:

Ein Lebensbild, 1 14322; 3 32122; 6 96622

Zunz, L.: Die gottesdienstlichen Vortragef 12 54122

“Zuppinger,” Mr., 3 283-4 , 2 94 Ziircher Bibel, 11 56422; 14 14522 Ziircher Student, 18 (p6 1422), (p6$>jn) Zurich, 3 220, 222, 5 33 -5 ; 4 538,

(^2252), 604; 7 (/? 123), 22872; 9 i 109; 10 1048, 1055; 18 10 1 , 104, 140, 320, 724;

Psychiatric Clinic, see Zurich University; Roll o f Arms, 12 fig. 243

Hochschule, E.T.H.), 9 i 26522, 62322; 10 103522; 18 (pp^ 51522, 61422), 1406, 1548&72, 1590

Zurich, Swiss Asylum for Epileptics, 2 5 1 0 - 1 1

Zurich branch o f the International Psychoanalytic Association, 4 199; 18 1027-9 , (^55222); see also Zurich school

Zurich Medical Society, 16 (p$n) Zurich Psychological Club, 10 887;

18 (ppj48n, 77gn, 797M) Zurich school (of psychoanalysis) (a

term J . used from about 1908 to 19 16), 2 1354; 3 390, 4 14 - 15 ; 4 456, (P*52), 6 7 1-6 , 678-9, 686; 7 434; 18 905, (/>433«), 1059;

J . ’s abstracts o f members’ works, 18 9 34 -10 25 ; see also Zurich branch o f the Int. Psa. Assoc.; and see also analytical psychol­ ogy (a termj. introduced in i g i 1)

Zurich Society/School for Analytical Psychology, 1 9 1 6 lecture, 4 684; 7 44222

Zurich University, Psychiatric Clinic of, 1 479; 2 731 , 762, 1036, 1044, 1079, 1,080, 1081 , 1 1 8 1 ; 3 527; 7 20/432; 18 791 ;

methods used, 2 1348; see also Burgholzli Cantonal Hospital

Zwiefalten Abbey Breviary, see CODICES AND MSS S.V.